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Urban Development – ITI

AUMS is the intermediate body for project selection in the integrated territorial investments (ITI) mechanism for sustainable urban development in Slovenia.

ITI (2014-2020) in numbers:

  • 139 million EUR – total ITI funds (ERDF, CF, state funds)
  • 91 approved projects
  • 277 million EUR – total investment value of approved projects
  • 138,5 million EUR – total co-financing of approved projects from ITI
  • 11 calls for projects published

ITI (2021-2027) in numbers:

  • 166 million EUR – total ITI funds (ERDF and state funds grants)
  • 11 million EUR – loans for sustainable urban development
  • 3 calls for projects published in fall of 2023
Approved projects 99%
Projects awaiting approval 1%
Non-allocated funds 0%

ITI mechanism in Slovenia provides EU and state funds for the implementation of sustainable urban development strategies, adopted by urban municipalities in 2015. AUMS is responsible for publishing calls for projects and project selection. An expert commission for the implementation of ITI was established, comprised of 12 experts from urban municipalities. Members of the expert commission evaluate project applications, mainly from the viewpoint of their consistency with sustainable urban development strategies of individual urban municipalities. Projects that meet the selection criteria are selected by the Assembly of mayors. Selected projects are then submitted to ministerial intermediate bodies for final approval.

ITI is a case of multi-level governance, providing cooperation between the state and local level. In the 2014-2020 period, the mechanism covered three priority axes of the Operational programme which included energy efficiency of public housing, sustainable mobility and urban regeneration. Having proved to be a successful mechanism, ITI continues in the 2021-2027 period in the fields of urban green infrastructure, sustainable mobility and urban regeneration.

A list of approved projects from the 2014-2020 period is published here (in Slovenian language).

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