Project Partnerships

AUMS pools the knowledge and expertise of the 12 largest municipal administrations in Slovenia and is as such a credible and reliable partner in international projects.

Main fields of interest for international partnerships include sustainable urban development, city revitalization, e-government, digitalization and smart cities, local self-government in general, inter-municipal cooperation etc.

For further information and inquiries about possible project partnerships, please contact us at

Some of our relevant experiences include:

  • Integrated Territorial Investments (ITI) 2014-2020 and 2021-2027 for sustainable urban development: AUMS is the the intermediate body for the selection of projects of sustainable urban development with the ITI mechanism (urban authority). ITI provides urban municipalities in Slovenia with over 139 million EUR (2014-2020) of grants for projects of sustainable mobility, energy efficiency of public buildings and urban regeneration and sustainable development. AUMS is in charge of publishing calls for projects, examination of applications (administrative and substantive) and for the selection of projects that may be funded (so-called 1st phase, projects are than reviewed by state ministries in the 2nd phase). The governance model of AUMS as the IB for ITI project selection is included as a best practice in the Handbook of Sustainable Urban Development Strategies (link, p. 97-98). AUMS’ representatives participated in various Urban Development Network’s events. As an IB, AUMS is a beneficiary of Technical Assistance funding.
  • Monitoring Committee of the Slovenia’s Cohesion Policy Programme for the period 2021-2027: AUMS is a member of the Monitoring Committee of the Slovenia’s Cohesion Policy Programme for the period 2021-2027.
  • European Community of Practice on Partnership – ECoPP: AUMS is a member of ECoPP which will review the European Code of Conduct on Partnership.
  • Urban Agenda for the EU – Greening cities: AUMS is a member of the “Greening cities” thematic partnership which will focus on green and blue infrastructure in an urban context.
  • Urban Agenda for the EU – Ljubljana Agreement: AUMS participated in the preparation of the Ljubljana Agreement on the future implementation of the Urban Agenda for the EU under the Slovenian presidency of the Council of the EU. The president of AUMS participated at the informal meeting of ministers responsible for urban matters on urban development and green measures (November 20221).
  • Urban Forum: Since 2015, AUMS co-organizes the Slovenian Urban Forums in cooperation with the Ministry for the Environment and Spatial Planning of the Republic of Slovenia and GFS Institute. The event is an example of a multi-level approach and partnership principle on the national level as it brings together representatives of state institutions, urban and other municipalities, NGOs and business sector to further discussions on sustainable urban development and the role of cities in Slovenia and Europe.
  • Support to member municipalities: AUMS provided coordinative support to its members in their successful application of the consortium to the 100 Intelligent Cities Challenge. AUMS provided coordinative support in the preparatory activities of 5 member municipalities in relation to the application to the EU Mission of climate-neutral and smart cities.
  • Smart Cities Conference: AUMS was a co-organizer of the Slovenian Smart Cities Conferences (2019, 2021). AUMS is a member of the Strategic Research & Innovation Partnership for the Smart Cities and Communities topic, which was the main organizer of the conference.
  • Project Active Cities for EU: AUMS was a project partner in the CERV co-financed project (2023-2024), focused on public participation in the policy-making at the local level.
  • Project HIGHER – Better Policy Instruments for High Innovation Projects in the European Regions: AUMS was a project partner in the HIGHER project in the period 2016-2021. The project addressed innovative models of public private partnerships suitable to mobilize investment in related smart specialization areas and fostering an entrepreneurial discovery process in driving innovation process of the policy instruments.

AUMS international cooperation:

  • Member of the Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR)
  • Member of the Slovenian Business & Research Association (SBRA, Brussels)
  • Partner to the Urban intergroup at the European Parliament (2019-2024)
  • Supporter of the Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy
  • Appoints 2 members and 2 substitute members to the European Committee of Regions
  • Appoints 1 member and 1 substitute member to the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe
Project partnerships
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